Salesforce Profiles

Profiles define how users access objects and data, and what they can do within the application. When you create users, you assign a profile to each one.

Reference: Salesforce 

And my recommendation is that, before you start and create a Profile for each Role in the Role Hierarchy, you should read carefully what a Permission Set is, how it defines too how users access objects, and get a good understanding of what is the difference between a Profile and a Permission Set.

Check the table at the end of this post The Fall of the Profile Empire to see what you can do only with profiles.

The Profile Minimum Access - Salesforce proposed approach

I will use the example Hiring Application proposed in the Data Security Trailhead Module to develop the approach. Regarding data security, the module deals with permissions at 4 levels: Org, Object, Field, and Record. But I will work with only two levels: Object and Field.

The required permissions are:

Custom Object Recruiting Manager Recruiter Interviewer Standard Employee
Position Read Create Edit Read Create Edit Read (No min/max pay) Read (No min/max pay)
Candidate Read (No SSN) Read Create Edit Read (No SSN) Not Applicable
Job Application Read Edit (No lookup fields) Read Create Edit Read Not Applicable
Review Read Create Edit Read Create Edit Read Create Edit Not Applicable

And the Role Hierarchy proposed is:

Source: Salesforce

In the Trailhead Module, the solution proposed is two Profiles and two Permission Sets. It's important to notice that one Profile is a clone of the Minimum Access - Salesforce profile.

The analysis followed to solve the problem with two Profiles and two Permission Sets is one that leads to an optimal solution for strictly the problem of the Hiring Application.

We know as Salesforce Admins and Project Managers, that when a project starts, during the analysis phase, it's quite difficult to have all the needs and requirements about the objects and fields permissions in one place and at the same time (especially if we do sprints), then having a table like the one above is not easy. Let alone if you include more standard objects like Account and Contacts to the problem.

... Use profiles to grant the minimum permissions and settings that all users of a particular type need ...

I propose a general solution, using a reduced set of Profiles and more Permission Sets that still solve the problem. The idea is based on the fact that a Profile will never include CRED settings for objects, and will only include (or have the ability to include) settings for those permissions that can only be set in a profile.

Then we end up with a situation like this:

  • Profiles (copy of Minimum Access - Salesforce)
    • Department VP - MA
    • Department Director - MA
    • Department Level 1 - MA
  • Permission Sets
    • Position - CREx
    • Position - xRxx (No min/max pay)
    • Candidate - CREx
    • Candidate - xRxx (No SSN)
    • Job Application - CREx
    • Job Application - xREx (No Lookups)
    • Job Application - xRxx
    • Review - CREx
There are two important achievements of this solution:
  1. The profiles are a clone of the Minimum Access profile, they are practically the same unless there are some settings in each one that you can do only through profiles (like Login IP Ranges). Very simple, less error-prone, and easy to manage.
  2. We have Permission Sets for one "objective" only, CRED properties on a particular Object, then in the future, if more roles are included in the hierarchy, we can reuse our Permission Sets easily.

As an administrator, you know that there will be more complex situations regarding the permissions we configure on an object and its fields, like for instance, if some SW Engineers can work as Recruiters too. We will deal with this on Salesforce Permission Sets post.

Here we want to understand how can we identify and list the properties of a profile to report them, those in (1) above.

Profile Properties

A Profile has several properties, and each property has different settings. The properties and settings are part of the Profile metadata as a class. Hence, to automatically list Profiles properties (not using the Salesforce interface), we need to understand and deal with the Profile metadata. 

If we can automatically read the Profile metadata, then we will be able to list it in a report or compare it against other Profiles.

I know it is not a simple task, and that's why I developed Toolsforce. Here is the list of Profile properties that currently Toolsforce deal with:

Property Attributes / Description
Profile Name The API name
Description The description
Is Custom? TRUE if it is a custom profile
User License The type of license used
Application Visibilities Application
Category Group Visibilities Data Category Group
Data Categories
Class Access Apex Class
Custom MetadataType Access Name
Custom Permissions Name
Custom Setting Access Name
External DataSource Access External DataSource
Field Permissions Field
Flow Access Flow
Layout Assignments Layout
Login Flows Flow
Flow Type
Friendly Name
UI Login Flow Type
Use Lightning Runtime
VF Flow Page
VF Flow Page Title
Login Hours Sunday
Login IP Ranges Description
Start Address
End Address
Object Permissions Object
View All Records
Modify All Records
Page Access Apex Page
Profile Actions Override Action Name
Form Factor
Page Or SObject Type
Record Type
Record Type Visibilities Record Type
PersonAccount Default
Tab Visibility Tab
User Permissions Name

When you use the button Profile in Toolsforce, you will be able to create a report like the one below in a new Excel worksheet.

Don't wait, download and install the tool, it's free! 😊
